Is Your IT Budget Getting Out of Control?

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When you have computer issues and you have to call your IT guy, does it make you a little sick? Most business owners don’t know how to budget for unknown IT repairs. When issues arise, they have no idea how much it is going to cost to get their problems resolved or how long it will take. For many small business owners, their IT budget seems to be a never ending money pit. If you hate unexpected IT bills, then a flat-rate plan might be right for you.

Here are some of the differences between hourly support and an IT managed service provider:

Hourly Support – There are obvious issues with going with hourly support. Break-fix issues tend to come at the most unexpected times and take away from money that was allocated for other business expenses. You never know when your system is going to go down or have problems. It is like going to the Endodontist and finding out you need a root canal. Small businesses that use hourly IT support tend to spend 25% more  than those that hire an IT managed service provider. When you are paying a hourly tech to resolve your issues, what incentive is there for him to resolve your issues quickly? Before you know it, your bill is growing and making you even more sick wondering how you are going to be able to afford it. No wonder most businesses don’t address their IT needs. They associate them with a dollar sign.

IT Managed Service – Going with a monthly flat rate or IT managed service option gives you all-inclusive support that you are looking for. If something goes wrong with your system, you can immediately contact your MSP (managed service provider) and they will immediately help you get resolution. Now you don’t have to feel sick about calling your IT guy. At Protek, we track how quickly we resolve tickets to minimize your downtime. We know when you are down, it cost you money. With a managed service provider, the longer it takes to resolve an issue for you, the less money they makes. That is how it should be. More importantly, they are looking for ways to solve your IT problems before they become bigger problems. Being proactive instead of reactive is always a better way to do business.

Having someone on your team that is constantly making sure your network is running well, will save you money in your IT budget. Protek streamlines the process for you. We stay on top of your network by running a 250 point checklist monthly so that we know when your software rolls out a new update or something is going out of warranty. This is just a few of the things we look for. Our audit will keep your system performing at an optimal level. With a managed IT provider, you will 24/7 monitoring and disaster recovery.

If you want to address IT budget and get more for your money, call Protek. We have a combined IT experience of over 101 years dedicated to making sure your IT network is healthy and safe. When you partner with us, you will solve the unpredictability you get with your break fix IT guy and be able to sleep better at night knowing you are supported by one of of the best IT networks along the Wasatch Front in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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