Chrome Adds More Security for Business Users

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Earlier this year Google released an Enterprise Bundle for Chrome that included some great security features. Embracing the fact that Google’s Chrome browser is the most widely used in the industry, Google has updated the security features for business users this week. In the announcement about the update, called Chrome 63, the company also mentioned features that will be arriving in Chrome 64 and Chrome 68.

Site Isolation

One of the newly added features is site Isolation. With Site Isolation enabled, Chrome displays content for each open website in a separate process, isolated from other websites. This can mean even stronger security boundaries between websites than Chrome’s existing sand-boxing technology.

Restrict Extensions Through Policy

Although admins have been able to white-list and blacklist specific extensions in Chrome, it can be difficult to scale for the entire organization. Now IT admins can configure a new policy that restricts access to extensions based on the permissions required. For example, through policy, IT can now block all extensions that require the use of a webcam or microphone, or those that require access to reading or changing data on the websites visited.

More features, including blocking third-party software from injecting code into the browser are on the horizon for next year. Some enterprise web apps require this feature to function properly, so a new policy will be released in the coming months that will offer admins extended support for critical apps that require code injection to function.

For more information about using the Chrome browser in a business setting, check out their website.