Cyber Security Threats Business Owners Should Know About

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Cyber security is a threat to every business. Criminals are targeting businesses by using spam as a delivery mechanism for dangerous malware. Roughly 200 to 400 thousand Trojans, ransomware, and other malware are delivered to IP addresses daily according to Trustwave researchers. Phishing is also a contributor making up 2.1% of spam types which can be the most lethal of all. Hackers have learned that they can target end users through social engineering emails that contain links or attachments. Phishing, tests the trust that people have with associated specific brands.

One type of cyber threat is Phishing. Here are some of the most common Phishing attempts:

  • Banks – Hackers create a fake landing page that gets people to input their online banking credentials on it.
  • Utilities – Fake bills from energy or phone companies with links to ransomware or Trojans are sent to end users.
  • Finance Software – Fake emails that appear to be from accounting providers like QuickBooks but instead leads to banking Tojans.
  • Tax Returns – Fake messages from tax collection agencies that injects Java-based remote access Trojans.
  • Mail Quota – Fake popups that tell you that your mailbox is full and gets you to compromise your login credentials.
  • Amazon – Fake receipts that lead to landing pages getting you to give up login credentials and pushing junk products.
  • Apple – Fake password resets with the goal of getting your login credential.

Any type of business is at risk from cyber attacks. You DON’T have to be a victim if you don’t engage. These types of attacks require humans to interact with them. You and your employees should avoid opening any emails that look suspicious. Don’t ever be to quick to click on a link even if it seems legit or sent by a reputable source. Check with the contact that sent you the email or go to the website of the brand directly and log in from there.

As a business, it is up to you to make sure you are educating your employees on the threats that are happening on the web. Hold regular security trainings and educate your team on how to identify a phishing attack. This is a must for any type of business. Do this several times a year if possible.

If you have a question of whether you or your business is secure, call Protek at 801.999.4767. Our certified techs know what to look for and are able to help identify problems before they arise. We also offer end user training for our clients. Let us know if you would more information about this.

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