Do You Have a Business Disaster Plan?

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Turn on the news and it is hard to avoid seeing parts of the country that haven’t been affected by floods, fires, or tornadoes. No business can avoid these unexpected events. Having a business disaster plan in place is critical to your business being able to withstand this type of catastrophe. Statistics show that 1 in 4 small businesses don’t have a disaster plan in place. This actually puts the business at risk of surviving a natural disaster which seems more common place than ever before. Having a plan can increase the chances of your business survival.

Here are a few things you can do to get your plan started:

Talk Through Scenarios – When was the last time you sat down with your IT Service Provider (MSP) and discussed what you will do in each of these type of events? Talking about worst case scenarios and what that could potentially mean for your business. Having a plan in place means you will survive a disaster and be able to keep working. Not being prepared, can put your business at risk and potentially jeopardize your ability to recover if you have to close your physical office for a time. According to the Gazette, 3 out of every 4 businesses that close for a natural disaster never reopen. These stats are staggering.

Restoring Data – Data backups are what make you sleep at night. Knowing that your business data is backed up to the cloud or on an external hard drive can give you peace of mind. Having someone else in charge that has the highest level of expertise can make the biggest difference. With more businesses moving to a digital world, business owners can protect themselves by storing their business data in the cloud. This give them the ability to run and access their business information when they are not able to get into the office. No more data loss because restoring data from the cloud has never been easier.

Replacing Equipment –  Many businesses can’t function without their equipment. Damaged computers, phones, and servers, will most likely need to be replaced. Creating ways for you and your employee to work from home or having your phones transferred to a different location, can make all the difference. Catalog your equipment and talk about what you will need if you are unexpectedly evacuated.

No business is exempt from a disaster. The more prepared you are, the greater your chances are of surviving it. Get with your IT Service Provider and start to develop a plan today. If you aren’t currently working with anyone or need help, contact Protek. We would be happy to sit down with you and talk about the needs of your business. Call us today at 844.796.1717.