Looking Forward to a New Year of Tech

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As we begin a new year, we want to take a moment to reflect on a few of the things we experienced in tech. This past year was one where we learned that our privacy wasn’t as safe as we thought on Facebook. We also started monitoring how much we are spending on our screens. I think we are all finding that we are more addicted than we would like. 2018 was the year that Apple became a trillion dollar company only to lose some of that when their new iPhone wasn’t as popular as they had hoped.

What can we predict for 2019? Here are a few highlights:

  • There is talk of 5G networks making an appearance. As awesome as this sounds, it will take some time to perfect this technology so it doesn’t drain our battery life on our devices. It will also be a bit pricey.
  • Transportation artificial intelligence is also claiming to change our lives. Tesla isn’t the only manufacturer that has an electronic car option. Volkswagen has been promising an electronic car that can go 370 miles on a single charge. We will also see some of the higher end cars coming out with new technology as well in late 2019.
  • Apple has found ways to squeeze more money out of us by offering paid subscriptions for Apple Music, iCloud storage, and AppleCare for repairs. Make sure you are only paying for what you use.
  • Electronic scooters are fizzling out especially in urban communities because people aren’t comfortable riding them. They are also prone to vandalism, sidewalk nuisance, and injury risk.
  • Amazon is predicted to grow even bigger in 2019. There are talks of pop up shops coming to airports and around town. This might put a lot of smaller retailers out of business so it will be interesting to see how much the President will try and control that.
  • Last but not least, cyber security will continue to rise over the next year. Consumers will take greater measures to make sure they are using two key authentication to protect themselves from hackers. They will also turn to IT professionals to help them make sure their businesses and homes are safe and secure from possible breaches.

As much as we all love tech, we all know that things can change on a dime. It is important to do your research and make sure you the things you are purchasing and using are safe and reliable. If you have any tech needs for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to Protek. 844.796.1717

What are your favorite tech items from 2018? What do you look forward to the most to 2019 in the tech world?

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